transform Archives - Relevant Sermons Life-changing Messages Thu, 05 Jan 2023 12:45:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 transform Archives - Relevant Sermons 32 32 229904621 Meaningful Transformation Thu, 19 Oct 2017 22:38:47 +0000 Meaningful transformation is a topic taken from John 3:1-8. This passage in the Bible is the story where Nicodemus meets Jesus and they had an interesting conversation. Transformation can also be defined as change or […]

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transformation or changeMeaningful transformation is a topic taken from John 3:1-8. This passage in the Bible is the story where Nicodemus meets Jesus and they had an interesting conversation. Transformation can also be defined as change or regeneration.

What is a meaningful transformation? Let us define this kind of transformation.

1. It is the Work of the Holy Spirit

The work of the Holy Spirit is linked to the concept mentioned by Jesus on being “born again.” In Chapter 3 verse 5, Jesus answered, “…except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” This statement is the answer to the confused Nicodemus, as he asked Jesus, “how can someone be born again when they are old?”

The Expositor’s Study Bible explains “born of water,” and “of the Spirit.” “the phrase, “born of water,” speaks of the natural birth, which Jesus says in the next Verse, and pertains to a baby being born; being “Born of the Spirit” speaks of a Spiritual Birth, which is brought by God alone.”

Real and meaningful transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit. It can happen to everyone who is willing to be transformed.

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2. It is an Inner Experience

Transformation or a change of a person, for many people, is focused on the outside appearance (change of skin, plastic surgery, muscle building, hair color, and nose lift, just to name a few). To be born again is an experience “from the inside out.” Since it is the work of the Holy Spirit, it is an inner transformational experience. It is “from the inside out,” and not from the outside in.

3. It is a Continues Process

Transformation or regeneration, in this particular passage, is connected to the word “believe.” As stated in verse 16, “…those who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

The Full Life Study Bible and its commentary emphasize that “to believe” goes along with obedience and commitment to Jesus in a continues basis.

Transformation or regeneration initially started at conversion. But it is a lifetime process for all of us. It is an everyday experience on becoming like Christ.

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