relevant sermons about pageThis site publishes messages, also called sermons. These are biblical, practical and relevant. It reaches out to different kinds of audience: readers, preachers, and learners. However, one can be in these three categories at the same time.


Those who are looking for inspiration from the Bible. They are encouraged, energized, and motivated through reading inspirational and relevant biblical messages. These people just want to learn teachings from the Bible and apply these messages in their lives.


Preachers are varied in different titles or positions. They are Pastors, Missionaries, Evangelists, and others. If you are a preacher, you can use these sermons and revised them if you want to, just to fit in your culture and to your specific audience.


These are the people who want to learn the art of preaching. We will be posting lessons and articles about different topics in the area of Homelitics and Expository Preaching.