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Abide in the Lord - Sermon

The title “The Benefits of Abiding in the Lord” is a message that is based on John 15:1-17. In this passage, Jesus tells the disciples that He is the true vine, the Father is the gardener, and the disciples are the branches. The summary of this analogy of the true vine is boiled down to this concept: abide or remain in the Lord, because a “branch” is nothing when it is disconnected from the vine. The good things, however, there are benefits that one can get, as a result of “remaining” in the Lord. What are these benefits?

1. Fruitful Life

In the analogy of the vine, it is natural as a branch to bear fruits because it is connected to the plant. In verse 2, “…so that it will be even more fruitful.” That means a person who is connected to the vine will be fruitful. If you are given a chance to become a fruit-bearing tree, I’m sure, you want good fruits, not bad ones.

There is another phrase in verse 8 that says, “…that you may bear much fruit.” Fruitfulness or fruit-bearing in the context of this passage refers to the development of good character. Therefore, fruitful life is the same as having a good character that will naturally flow.

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2. Better Relationships

Another blessing or benefit of abiding in the Lord is this: better relationships. The phrase in verse 9 that says, “…remain in my love” refers to a special relationship between the “vine” and the “branch.” To have a strong and better relationship with the Lord, we need to abide in Him on a consistent basis.

The phrase “Love one another” in verse 12, is a command that refers to the establishment of a relationship between the disciples. To abide consistently with the Lord produces a better relationship with Him and with others

We can not deny the fact that one of the issues that we face in our society as a whole is relationship problems. There is a solution on how to restore broken and damaged relationships. Abide in the Lord.

3. Answered Prayers

Do you want God to answer your prayers? Certainly, we all do. In verse 7, it says, “…ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you.” This is a very uplifting promise by the Lord. It is a promise that He will answer our prayers. If we remain in the Lord, our prayers and petitions will be answered.

All of us have needs. All of us long for answered prayers. We can be certain that when we abide in the Lord, He will answer our prayers and meet our needs.

During the time of the disciples, the way to abide in the Lord is to listen and be with Him. Nowadays, it is to read, listen, and understand his words and to always ask for His presence.

The post The Benefits of Abiding in the Lord appeared first on Relevant Sermons.
