Channel of Blessing Archives - Relevant Sermons Life-changing Messages Fri, 05 Apr 2024 11:38:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Channel of Blessing Archives - Relevant Sermons 32 32 229904621 The Habit of Making an Impact Fri, 18 Sep 2020 03:36:14 +0000 The Habit of Making an Impact is the title of the message based on Acts 3:1-10. The story is about the healing of the lame man through the ministry of Peter and John. By helping […]

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The Habit of Making an Impact is the title of the message based on Acts 3:1-10. The story is about the healing of the lame man through the ministry of Peter and John. By helping others get healed is one way to make an impact on their lives.

What are the action steps we should do so that to “make an impact” can become our habit?

Recognize Every Opportunity

While Peter and John were going to the Temple for prayer, they met a beggar lame man at the entrance. The man asked them for money. But instead of giving him what he asked for, Peter and John did differently. Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (v.6).

In this story, there are opportunists: those who can get something from somebody (the beggar) and those who are ready to help others (Peter and John). To be a blessing and to make an impact, we must have the habit of recognizing every opportunity that comes our way. Let us train our eyes to see every opportunity to help others who are in need.

Related Post: Become a Channel of Blessing

Exercise a given Authority

The highlight of the story is the healing of the lame man and he was able to walk. That happened not because Peter and John are powerful, but because Peter used the powerful name of Jesus. Jesus gives authority to the disciples to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness (Matthew 10:1).

The healing of the lame man is the outcome of the authority given to the disciples to heal the sick. The disciples exercise that given power. Jesus said to his followers concerning those who would believe in him: “In my name… they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well” (Mark 16:17-18). To heal in the name of Jesus was to involve his power and presence. There is power in the name of Jesus. As Christ’s followers, we should exercise that authority – in the name of Jesus.

Related Post: The Power of Gratitude

Always Give God the Glory

Peter and John were just instruments, a channel of blessing. At that moment, they are God’s hands to perform a miracle. It is also interesting to note that after the healing of the lame man, he went inside the temple praising and worshiping God.

Whatever you have accomplished, always give God the glory. In the story, when the man got healed, Peter and John did not parade their accomplishment but took another opportunity to preach about Jesus. When you are full of accomplishment and help more people, always be humble. Give God all the glory.

The post The Habit of Making an Impact appeared first on Relevant Sermons.
