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An image about Abraham in the message entitled Become a Channel of Blessing

Become a Channel of Blessing is the title of the message taken from Genesis 12:1-3.

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

The Scripture passage above is a portion of the story about the call of Abram. God called him to leave his home and go to a particular place and be a blessing to the nations. The whole story of Abraham informs us that, he indeed, blessed by God and became a blessing to the nations.

As we make an impact and become a blessing to others, let’s learn important truths:

God is the Source of Blessings

When God called Abram, He declares, “I will bless you.” That statement signifies that God is the source of blessings. One of the biblical truths that we always need to remember is the fact that God is the source of all good things.

All the blessings that we are receiving every day are from God. He is the source. Unfortunately, many times it is easier to see the problems and struggles that we are experiencing than to see all the blessings we received. When we feel sick in a day or two, we tend to remember that and we forget that God makes us healthy for the rest of the year. Everything that we have today: possessions, family, business, work, and source of income are from God. Let us recognize this biblical truth.

Perhaps many of us think that our jobs, businesses, and accomplishments are because of our “own” efforts. Who gave us the strength and opportunities anyway? We still go back to the truth that God is the source of life, including our strength.

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God Wants us to be a Blessing

If God is the source of blessing, He also wants us to be a blessing. He said to Abram, “you will be a blessing.” One of the important truths to understand: a blessing is not meant for selfish enjoyment. It is intended to be shared. God blessed Abram not to keep all the blessings to himself but he must become a channel of blessing.

This is how a cycle of blessing works. God blessed you because He is the source of blessing. Then you joyfully received it with thanksgiving in your heart. Intentionally, you then think about how you can share that blessing so that you would become a blessing to others. The one who is blessed because of you, eventually become a blessing also to others. Brendon Burchard says, “The powerplant does not have the energy. It generates it.” The same principle is applied when a blessing is received. It must also generate.

God Rewards the Channels

God is the source of blessings and blessings are meant to be shared. But another truth is also significant: God rewards those who become a channel of blessing. God said to Abram, “I will bless those who bless you.” God declares that whoever blesses Abram, there is a good reward. God knows well whom He will bless.

When we make an impact and become a blessing to others, God knows about it. He is going to reward and bless us. It is great to experience a true biblical principle of the blessing cycle. We need to recognize that many times, it is a counter-culture within our society. In our society, it is expected that we are entitled to receive something in return when we give. A biblical principle is different. When we give or contribute something, let God do the “return.”

God Requires Faithful Stewardship

Another important truth in relation to the principle of blessing is, God requires us to become faithful stewards. God declares, “nations will be blessed through you.” This statement pictures a sense of responsibility on the part of Abram. God will bless the nations through his life. God wants Abram to become a faithful steward in carrying a great responsibility.

The Bible says in Proverbs 24:1, “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” We own nothing. We are just stewards, expected to be faithful to God’s properties entrusted to us.

These are the important truths: God is the source of blessings; God wants to bless us; God rewards the channels; God requires faithful stewardship. Through God’s help, we can become a channel of blessing.

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Become a Channel of Blessing | Genesis 12:1-3

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