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finish lineIn Hebrews 12:1-2, we can learn applicable principles to finish our Christian race.

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

One of the key phrases in the book of Hebrews is the “danger of falling/drifting away.” It is one of the main reasons of not finishing the race. Our Christian life journey is compared to a race. It does not matter how well we started. It is better to consider how we finish well the race.

What are the applicable principles that we should be doing to finish the race well?

1. Find Inspiration

The author of Hebrews said, “Since we are surrounded by so great cloud of witness.” He refers back the heroes of faith in chapter 11, for instance, Moses or Abraham. Within a race track, there are characters also known as an audience. They are also called witnesses.

We can find inspiration from others: leaders, pastors, mentors, and friends who, in some, ways, faithfully running the race ahead of us. Their lives and faithfulness may inspire us to keep on. Be inspired by their lives and faithfulness.

2. Flee from Distractions

Another important reminder is the phrase “Lay aside every weight.” The author of Hebrews also instructed the believers that it is possible to be derailed or distracted. In order for them to finish the race, distractions must be eliminated. During that period of time, as a runner, a heavy baggage or anything that has a weight can be a burden to the one running. Burdens become distractions and would lead anyone not to continue. Moving on and pushing yourself is hard when there are distractions. However, when we can minimize distraction, running the race is much better. What are your distractions? What are the burdens that you are carrying?

3. Focus on Jesus

Another important habit that a believer should practice consistently is the statement “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.” There is a saying that says, “Everything you focus, expands.” When you focus your mind on success and productivity, your “vision” expands, attracting more success. Unfortunately, this saying also applies to the negative side. When you always focus your mind to problems and difficult circumstances, your life becomes more difficult.

Related: The Blessings of Abiding in the Lord

When you focus more on Jesus, your knowledge about Him expands. You will know him better. That’s the power of focus.

Success in all areas, whether in work or business, depends on how much focus you are putting into it. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Running our Christian race, the way to finish it with success is to fix our hearts and minds to Jesus.

It does not matter how we start the race, it is how we finish the race that matters. That fact that we started the race, we certainly want to finish strong. It will never be easy. We need to find inspiration, flee from any distraction, and let us focus our attention on Jesus.

The post 3 Applicable Principles to Finish our Christian Race appeared first on Relevant Sermons.

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