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Sermon about Success at the higher levelThe higher level is called the supernatural and the lower level is called the natural. If you attained success in the natural level, it is with your own strength, skill, and ability. But if it is in the higher level, it is because of the manifestation of the power of God.

Many people try to understand things and circumstances at the natural level. They also want to succeed in their own strength. Accomplish their goals and dreams through hard work and discipline. They also want to imitate the habits of successful people. Many of us try to understand success and accomplishments through the lens of science and visible accomplishments.

If we look carefully, there are many biblical examples that portray supernatural. The crossing of the Red Sea; the collapse of the Jericho wall; the healing ministries of Jesus; the feeding of the five thousand, and many others. Let us just look at the story of the battle between David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. In that story, we can learn lessons on how to experience success in life in the supernatural level.

How to experience success at the higher level?

1. Know the Difference

If we want to experience life at the higher level, we need to recognize the difference between the natural and the supernatural. Let us identify some of the natural things and circumstances in the story of David-Goliath battle. In the natural category, we see weapons of war, soldiers, armor,  human solutions, skills, and training. But in the supernatural or in the spiritual realm, there are statements such as, “the power of God,” “success in the name of the Lord.”

At the natural level, it is easy to understand that to win a battle, training, abilities, number of soldiers, and strategies, are essential. But at the higher level, we fight and win the battle because God’s presence is there and His power is with us. Let us experience success at the higher level.

Related: Achieving Both Spiritual and Material Abundance

2. See the Invisible

It is important to train our “spiritual” eyes to see beyond the natural. David sees the invisible even before he killed Goliath. Let us consider some of David’s statements. In verse 37, David said, “the Lord will rescue me.” We can also read in verse 45, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty.”

Seeing the invisible is a perspective that is line with faith and vision. David has seen with his “spiritual” eyes that he already won the battle because he fights not with his ability to use the slingshot but by the power of the Lord. Faith operates on the invisible. Faith plays a big role in our success. Faith removes limitations.

For others, the success of David in that battle happened because of positive thinking and willpower. But for us, it is called faith and God’s power. You can win any “Goliath” that comes on your way because, as John 4:4 says, “Greater is He that is you that he that is in the world.” We just have to train our “spiritual” eyes to see the invisible.

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